The Oera Linda Foundation was registered on December 14, 2020 (as ‘Stichting Oera Linda’, KvK 81184301, VAT nr. NL861975030B01) with the purpose to promote research on, translations of and publications about the manuscript (or codex) ‘Oera Linda’.
Its first goal was to make content, language and script more accessible to a larger (English reading) audience. With the first printed and digital editions this goal was achieved. One of the next goals is to realize new Dutch, Spanish and German editions.
In the web shop, it is possible to add a donation to your order. Without a regular order, this option also works well.
Bank, IBAN: NL33 INGB 0102 5385 14 — “Stichting Oera Linda”, Marke 7, 7981AZ DIEVER.
Contact Info
Marke 7