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The option to donate to the Oera Linda Foundation


To financially support the work of the Oera Linda Foundation, you can add a donation (in any amount) to your order. A separate donation can also be made without ordering a book by clicking the button above.

Donations help us cover regular office costs, as well as occasional travel costs for on-site research and awareness raising. Your donation will also help the Oera Linda Foundation purchase study materials and finance printing of more books to reach a broader audience.

If you would like your support to go toward a specific project or purchase, please add a note or contact us directly.

Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer (within Europe and some other areas) using IBAN: NL 22 RBRB 0783 0841 29/BIC: RBRBNL21 /Name: J. Ott

(If you need more information, please contact us).

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